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Diamond prices are reflected in these categories: color, cut, clarity, carat and cut. Colored diamonds are polished in a manner contrary to a plain white diamonds. In these diamonds, the color should be emphasized that as much as possible. The grading system for colored stones, as opposed to white diamonds, go for color intensity. Fancy diamonds are graded: light, fancy light, fancy, fancy intense, beautiful, deep, dark and fancy fancy living. The stronger the color the higher the price, and this applies to all fancy colored diamonds.

Pink Diamonds are the most popular of the colored diamonds. Fancy Fancy vivid and dark are the most popular and therefore most expensive. Red, purple and orange are the secondary colors in pink diamonds and natural pink color in these rocks is caused by a process called plastic deformation. Pink stone plays Cupid among the colored diamonds.

Blue Diamonds can be purchased at a variety of shapes and intensities. They are usually certified by GIA or IGI. Loose blue stone is very rare and, consequently, their prices are very high. Fancy Blues are completely natural and is classified as either gray or blue-green-blue. The color in the gray-blue, is gray-blue, black, blue or black-blue stone due to the presence of small amounts of boron in their molecular structure. Green-blue or green-blue (teal) colored diamonds usually contain nitrogen impurities in aggregate form.


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